YDL Dates for 2021
The UK Youth Development League is the primary track and field competition that Charnwood AC enter for the U13, U15, U17 and U20 age groups. The teams are structured into both Lower Age Group and Upper Age Group teams (as below) and compete in 3 or 4 matches. This year there are a few changes to the usual competition with some localisation of leagues and no promotion/relegation matches.
Charnwood AC regularly punches above its weight competing with larger clubs (such as Birchfield or Notts AC) and we are rightly proud that both age group teams have regularly been in the premier division.
Please get in contact with the YDL team managers to make sure they know what events you want to do, or would do if pushed! The teams that win are those that compete in as many of the events as available - more events mean more points.
The Lower Age Group (U13/U15, school years 6&7 and 8&9) will be competing in Midlands Division North/East 1 against Amber Valley, Burton, Derby AC, Mansfield and Notts AC.
Match dates as follows:
Sat 5th June at Burton
Sat 17th July at Nottingham
Sat 4th Sept at Derby
The Upper Age Group (U17/U20, school years 10&11 and 12&13) will be competing again in the Midlands Division North/East 1 against Amber Valley, Burton, Derby AC, East-Notts composite and Notts AC.
Match dates as follows:
Sun 30th May at Derby
Sun 27th June at Loughborough
Sun 25th July at Burton
Sun 5th Sept at Nottingham
YDL Team Manager contacts
Lower Age Group Email (charnwood.ydl.lower@gmail.com)
Upper Age Group Email (uagydlcharnwood@gmail.com)